About CBT

LI Cognitive WellnessWHAT IS CBT

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) is a psychotherapeutic approach that addresses dysfunctional emotions, behaviors, and cognitions through a goal-oriented, systematic process. During the course of treatment, people learn how to identify and change destructive or disturbing thought patterns that have negative influences on behavior. The emphasis is also consistently on solving problems and initiating behavioral change. In contrast to other forms of psychotherapy, cognitive therapy is usually more focused on the present, more time-limited, and more problem-solving oriented. In addition, clients learn specific skills that can generalize to daily living. These skills involve identifying distorted thinking, modifying beliefs, relating to others in different ways, and changing behaviors. CBT has been used to treat people suffering from a wide range of disorders, including anxiety, phobias, depression and addiction. CBT is one of the most researched types of therapy, in part because treatment is focused on a highly specific goal and results can be measured relatively easily.


  • Problem-Solving Strategies – understand and accept the problem in order to generate,
    evaluate, and implement solutions that can be used in similar problematic situations.
  • Insight Strategies – observe and describe recurrent patterns of behaviors and relationships
    for achieving insight into non-functional and functional responses.
  • Didactic Strategies – provide psycho-education to patients and family members.
  • Solution Analysis Strategies – identify goals in order to generate, evaluate, choose and
    troubleshoot various solutions to problems.
  • Cognitive Restructuring – learn to identify and dispute irrational or maladaptive thoughts and


  • Learn coping skills – CBT teaches skills for coping effectively with one’s problems.
  • Changing behaviors and beliefs – Cognitive restructuring can lead to more lasting changes to basic thoughts and behaviors.
  • Solve life problems – Clients learn a new approach to cope with problems.